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Logo of The American University of the Caribbean Off-Campus Housing 101

The American University of the Caribbean

School of Medicine, New York


Sign Up For Roommate Finder

Adding your complimentary roommate profile takes only 2 steps.

Please fill out the following account setup form.
You will then be able to continue to Step 2 and post your roommate listing.

Please ensure your information is correct. You will be provided a username upon submission of this form.

Step 1: Create Your Account-

The Following Errors Occurred:

Please correct these errors and re-submit the form.


Note: Your password must be a minimum of 8 characters long.
It is recommended that you use a password that includes upper and lower case letter as well as numbers and special characters such as @$&*%!#.

By submiting this form you are agreeing to abide by the Roommate Finder Terms & Conditions

Please ensure your information is correct. You will be provided a username upon submission of this form.

Note: In order to serve you better, please use your correct information in this form. Later, when placing your listing you will have the choice of displaying alternative contact information to protect your privacy. We will not share or sell the information submitted on this form.